Helping people discover their unique strengths and value the differences of others.
Individual Career Services
Have you found yourself saying, “I don’t know what I should be doing, but I sure know this isn’t it”?
Would you like to find a more fulfilling career without having to start over on the bottom rung?
Do you need assistance in developing a compelling resume, conducting a targeted search campaign, and landing the right job?
We can help you turn your career dreams into a reality.
Group Workshops
Do you have a new team just learning how to work together?
Do you have an experienced team going through changing times?
Do you want to improve their communications, leadership, conflict resolution, stress management, or problem-solving abilities?
We can improve your team’s performance by uncovering their individual strengths and improving their abilities to leverage each other.
Helping people discover their unique strengths and value the differences of others.
Individual Career Services
Have you found yourself saying, “I don’t know what I should be doing, but I sure know this isn’t it”?
Would you like to find a more fulfilling career without having to start over on the bottom rung?
Do you need assistance in developing a compelling resume, conducting a targeted search campaign, and landing the right job?
We can help you turn your career dreams into a reality.
Group Workshops
Do you have a new team just learning how to work together?
Do you have an experienced team going through changing times?
Do you want to improve their communications, leadership, conflict resolution, stress management, or problem-solving abilities?
We can improve your team’s performance by uncovering their individual strengths and improving their abilities to leverage each other.
Helping You Achieve Success
Whether you are an individual seeking a more fulfilling career, or part of a group that wants to improve its teamwork and leadership, People Type Consulting can help you. We are experts in using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and other tools to help people discover their unique strengths.
About People Type Consulting
People Type is an Austin-based training, consulting, and career development firm, specializing in applications of the Myers-Briggs Type indicator. We help individuals who want to find more fulfilling careers and organizations that want to improve their teamwork and leadership. Discover how we can help you.
Helping You Achieve Success
Unlock Your Full Potential
Have you found yourself saying, “I don’t know what I should be doing, but I sure know this isn’t it”? Would you like to find a more fulfilling career without having to start over on the bottom rung? Do you need assistance in developing a compelling resume, conducting a targeted search campaign, and landing the right job? We can help you turn your career dreams into a reality.
Interest and Personality Assessments
Career Exploration
Do you have a new team just learning how to work together?
We guide you through a series of self-discovery and exploration exercises, to help you create a clear specification of your ideal career.
Identify your passions, values, transferable skills, and other career needs, and then map them into a fulfilling, yet realistic, set of career choices.
Search Campaign Development
We also provide the practical assistance you need to find and land your dream job, including:
- Resume development
- Employer research and targeting
- Search strategies to uncover the hidden job market
- Networking
- Interviewing and Negotiation
Jeff Johannigman
As an Outplacement Consultant for Right Management and DBM, as Director of Career Services for the University of Texas Ex-Students’ Association, and as Founder of People Type Consulting, Jeff has helped hundreds of professionals find more fulfilling careers.
“He who knows others is learned. He who knows himself is wise.”
– Lao Tzu
Whether you are looking for a new career direction, or developing your leadership skills, the first step on the journey is discovering your own personal strengths.
Career exploration requires identifying your personal passions, your unique talents, your most important values, and the work environments that you will best thrive in. With our assessments and personal exploration exercises, we can draft a blueprint together for a fulfilling career that uniquely fits you. And then map out a strategic marketing plan to land that perfect job.
If you are leading a high-performance team, you need to not only discover your own personal leadership style, but also the unique motivators and talents of your team members. We can help you develop greater flexibility in your leadership approaches, to get the best out of each of your employees, and help them collaborate together more effectively.
Group Workshops
Our workshops are highly engaging and interactive. Instead of “death by powerpoint” and droning lectures, our workshops feature multimedia presentations, group activities, facilitated discussions, real world examples, introspective exercises, and interactive games to bring complex concepts to life.

Discovering Your Personality Type
Half-day, 8-40 participants
In this introductory workshop, participants use the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) to discover their unique personality types, including their strengths, workplace needs, preferred communication styles, and potential areas of development.
They also learn to appreciate and value the differences of others, rather than turning those differences into sources of irritation and conflict.
This workshop can serve as a stand-alone introduction or as a prelude to more advanced workshops.

Advanced Type Workshops
Building on a foundation of type awareness, our advanced workshops are custom-tailored to your specific needs, including pre-workshop analysis and post-workshop consulting.
Advanced workshops can focus on any of the following topics:
- Team Building
- Communications
- Leadership Development
- Conflict Resolution
- Stress Management
- Creative Problem-Solving
- Career Development
- Change Management
- Sales
- Customer Service
Advanced workshops include use of the MBTI to assess individual types, plus a team type analysis to pinpoint group strengths, weaknesses, and blind spots.

Speed Reading People
1-2 hours, 8-100 participants
When you don’t have the time or the budget for a full MBTI workshop, this shorter program uses a simpler four-style Temperament model to identify fundamental personality differences.
Discover if you are a Guardian, an Artisan, an Idealist, or a Rational.
Learn how your temperament affects your communication style, relationships, career choice, and even your fashion sense.
This entertaining and interactive program uses life-sized characters from “Star Wars” and other pop culture sources to bring personality theory to life. It makes a wonderful opener for a corporate retreat, association conference, or any other gathering where people want to know each other better.
Free Initial Consultation
We provide a free 30-minute initial consultation to assess your career needs and determine what services will best help you achieve a more fulfilling career.